Some say you have to make your own luck. We disagree. Luck’s too hard of a thing to come by these days to leave up to some silly expression. With our project, Small Change, we want to make other people’s luck. All with some lucky pennies.

The idea is simple: Make the smallest donation possible on our page, we’ll convert it into pennies, and spread them around London so people can find some good luck of their own.

We would love for you to help our project and make a contribution today. We’re not asking for much. Literally.


A spec ad from way back at ad school.

Directed by Brendan Cleaves & Ryan McCarthy


An extremely hard case study we made for Persil to start speaking to Millennials and Gen-Z.


One in five UK children are unable to ride bikes. We made this TV spot to get parents to teach their kids to cycle again.


30s TVC for Kindle.

Elephant chases after large branch.
After day of doing dog-like things, returns home with owner.


Insight: About 1/3 of runners overpronate, causing a multitude of injuries. While correct running form is extremely important, most people don't know what it looks like.

Solution: Asics uses CAPTCHA to help people see how difficult it is to spot proper running form.